SCADA - Movicon Programming Part 2 Sebagai Data Logger

Image result for movicon x2

Terimakasih yang masih setia telah mengunjungi blog automation ini, Disini saya mau mencoba mengupload sebuah video tutorial cara setting progam movicon part 2, dimana kita masih belajar memprogam movicon itu sendiri secara basic, dimana Movicon ini digunakan sebagai DATA LOGGER dari Power Metering (PM710)

Bahan sotfware dan hadware yang kita gunakan adalah :
Software yang dibutuhkan Movicon X2
Platform Windows yang digunakan Windows Xp
Software mySQL server sebagai database server
Hadware yang digunakan Power Metering (PM710)
Koneksi dari PC ke Power Metering (PM710) menggunakan RS-232 to RS-485

Silahkan dilihat cara  settingnya dalam v ideo tutorial dibawah ini...

Sekian video tutorial ini.. selamat mencoba... sampai  ketemu di video tutorial selanjutnya...

lecture lab interfacing

Progamming Movicon X2 dengan Power Metering

Terimakasih yang telah mengunjungi blog automation ini.. blog ini buat yang ingin belajar automation industri dimana kita sama-sama belajar apa itu  cara automation itu sendiri,

disini saya mencoba menshare... gimana sih cara memprogam movicon yang benar.. 
software yang saya pake adalah Movicon X2 dimana software ini lumayan enteng jika digunakan pada platform windows. dan windows yg saya gunakan masih menggunakan Windows Xp, dimana komputer yang ada dlab masih menggunakan windows tersebut...

well... tidak usah bercerita panjang lebar... silahkan saksikan divideo ini.. 

Automatic Voltage Regulation of DC Shunt Generators

Automatic Voltage Regulation of DC Shunt Generators

 Automatic Voltage Regulation of DC Shunt Generators

In a dc shunt generator, as the load increases the RS IL
terminal voltage falls, giving a drooping characteristic. The regulation R
of voltage involves the adjustment of field excitation. A simple method RE
of voltage regulation by automatic adjustment of field excitation E
making use of transistor circuitry is discussed. The added advantage B
of this method is that by the simple adjustment of circuit parameters, LOAD
the characteristics of a compound generator can be achieved. Experi- VL
mental results prove the effectiveness of the method.

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Smart Grid Management & Visualization   Smart Power Management System

Smart Grid Management & Visualization Smart Power Management System

Smart Grid Management & Visualization  

Smart Power Management System

Abstract— This paper presents an innovation Smart Power
Management System on Smart Grid.  This report consists of 5
major sections: smart power system modeling; real time power
system monitoring; system engineering database collection and
management; grid condition checking and maintenance; smart
grid power system fault analysis. Smart Power Management
System enables grid management and visualization to be very
effective as it incorporates real time monitoring data and historic
engineering data into an integrated system, analyzing scenarios
based on various modules and making it possible to collect,
monitor and control real time data with accuracy. Smart Power
Management System modeling is based on a variety of factors
according to regulation policies, grid management requirements
and operation rules. Various scenario modules of Smart Power
Management System can be developed and modified based on the
client’s specifications for its grid conditions and operation needs.
Neural Networks adds an interesting flavor of intelligent
modeling to this integrated system, which provides the most
appropriate solution to solve important issues in power system
engineering, system design, grid operation, maintenance and
management. Intelligent functions of Smart Power Management
System can also be modified via wireless channels to cell phones
or other mobile devices for maintenance staff. Real time signals
of abnormal system indications can be sent out to field
maintenance and grid operation as required.  Needleless to say,
Smart Power Management System makes it possible that all
desired functions can be integrated so as to support complete
automation control for un-manned power system substations in
the future, to monitor real time system information, to update
real time system data, to identify grid weakness points, to help
field maintenance keep power system facilities in a good working
condition, to conduct power systems fault analysis and operator
training, to effectively support field maintenance, system
troubleshooting and repair and to provide emergency
contingencies to power system maintenance, operations, control
centers for smart grid management and visualization.   
Keywords- Smart grid; management; powe system; modeling;
real time; analysis; data collection; visualisation; aumotmation;
control; maintenance; Neural Networks. (key words) 


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A VSC-HVDC Fuzzy Controller for Improving the  Stability of AC/DC Power System

A VSC-HVDC Fuzzy Controller for Improving the Stability of AC/DC Power System

A VSC-HVDC Fuzzy Controller for Improving the  Stability of AC/DC Power System

Abstract —This paper puts forward an auxiliary fuzzy logic
controller for the Voltage Source Converter based HVDC
transmission system, VSC-HVDC, to improve the stability of the
AC/ DC system by damping the oscillation effectively after
disturbance. The fast control capability of the VSC-HVDC and the
process of area mode oscillations are analyzed. No detailed model
of the system is required for the design of the proposed control
scheme. The controller judges the operation states and the control
effect and accordingly adjusts its active power order in an adaptive
way by using fuzzy rules, so as to damp out the area mode
oscillation. Simulation results on the IEEE 4-generator AC/DC
power systems have shown that the controller can enhance the
dynamic stability of interconnected power systems effectively and
is robust to the variation of system operating conditions and
oscillation modes.

Keywords: VSC-HVDC; fuzzy logic control; tie-line oscillation

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Solutions for SCADA system Communication  Reliability in Photovoltaic Power Plants

Solutions for SCADA system Communication Reliability in Photovoltaic Power Plants


Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA)
Systems are used in photovoltaic (PV) power plants for monitoring,
control, remote communication purposes. The ingredient of SCADA
system in PV power plants is introduced in this paper.    In order to
improve security and reliability of the SCADA system in PV plants,
this paper provides two effective solutions, security access control
strategy and redundancy mechanism. The proposed security access
control strategy adopts some measures, such as security authentication
data encryption, as well as role-based access control. These measures
can solve communication security issues between the SCADA system
remote terminal units (RTU) and SCADA configuration server.
Furthermore, Device and network redundancy is presented in the
SCADA system. And redundancy switching mechanism has been
implemented through four redundancy services. The availability of the
SCADA system can be validated through SCADA configuration
Index Terms:    Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition ˄SCADA˅
Photovoltaic (PV)  Remote terminal units (RTU)   Security
certification  Redundancy

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Koneksi PLC Siemens S7-1200 ke Komputer (PART 2)


11.  Langkah berikutnya adalah melakukan setting koneksi PLC ke PC agar Ladder dapat di download ke PLC. Hal yang harus dilakukan adalah mengkomunikasikan TIA Portal V11 dengan PLC Siemens S7-1200 dimana dalam sistem pengkomunikasiannya  menggunakan kabel LAN konfigurasi
12.  Setelah ladder selesai maka lakukan [Program Error Check (Compile)] dengan melakukan  klik kanan pada nama device, sorot pada tulisan [compile] dan pilih [all] seperti gambar dibawah ini. Jika tidak terjadi
kesalahan pada program maka dapat melanjutkan step selanjutnya.

13.  Lanjutkan dengan melakukan proses “Go Online” dengan mengklik tulisan  di toolbar seperti dibawah. 
14. Maka akan muncul tampilan seperti gambar dibawah ini. 

15. Klik Type of the PG/PC interface, kemudian pilih PN/IE seperti  gambar dibawah ini

16. Maka secara otomatis PG/PC interface akan otomatis terisi Broadcom NetLink (TM) Gigabit Ethernet (LAN interface pada PC) dan Accessible device in target subnet akan otomatis terisi juga. Ini menandakan bahwa antara PC dan PLC telah terhubung dengan koneksi kabel yang telah dipilih dan PLC
telah memberikan respon balik kepada PC. Kemudian klik   untuk  koneksi antara TIA Portal dengan PLC

17. Untuk pengoprasian download leader diagram ke PLC, klik  . Lalu akan muncul tampilan seperti gambar dibawah ini.

18. Klik  , maka akan muncul tampilan seperti dibawah ini.

19. Pilih  . Maka proses simulasi dapat dimulai 

20.  Jika ingin melakukan monitoring kerja leader diagram, klik   dan akan
berubah tampilan warna leader diagram menjadi

